How to Become Accountable in Recovery

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Accountability is a key component of the addiction recovery process. When we are suffering from addiction we tend to blame others for our struggles. We also tend to justify our actions and behaviors while we are under the influence so that we can convince ourselves that what we are doing is ok.

Accountability in recovery teaches us that we, and we alone, are responsible for our actions. It also teaches us that while we can seek the help of others to keep us on the right path, we are also solely responsible for our sobriety.

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Accountability with Family and Friends

While we are ultimately responsible for our own sobriety, it doesn’t mean that we can’t ask for help from our friends, family members, and loved ones. Everyone can have a bad day and in those moments of weakness and temptation, it can be beneficial to have a support system to make sure that we stay on the right path.

Another great place to turn when looking for support is support groups, such as 12-step programs. One of the foundations of 12-step groups is the importance of accountability. With support groups, everyone is there with the common goal of maintaining their sobriety.

If you are a friend, family member, or loved one of someone in recovery, it is important that if you are called upon to be their accountability partner you set clear, agreed-upon boundaries up front. Letting them know your expectations of them puts an emphasis on that accountability, reminds them that you want to see them succeed, and also protects your overall mental health.

Accountability at Work

When someone suffers from addiction, they tend to let their daily responsibilities fall by the wayside in favor of drinking or doing drugs. One of those responsibilities that tend to get neglected is work. While you can’t do anything about your past transgressions that might have happened at your place of work, you can control how you handle work going forward. 

Accountability at work can be two-fold. You can hold yourself accountable for your behavior while you were suffering from your substance use disorder while also making a promise to yourself that you will make better decisions moving forward.

Accountability with Yourself

It’s hard to expect others to hold us accountable for our actions if we don’t first hold ourselves accountable. After all, we are the only ones that ultimately control our actions. 

One of the biggest keys to personal accountability during the recovery process is being honest with yourself. You know the triggers and circumstances that led you down the path to addiction in the first place. Because of that, you also know what you need to do in order to not allow those cravings and temptations to creep back into the equation again.

If you are honest with yourself, then you can put yourself in situations that allow you to succeed in your recovery. 

For example, if you are invited to a party or social gathering in Anaheim but you know there will be alcohol there, be honest with yourself. If you think that you can go to the party and not be tempted to drink, then go and have a blast. However, if you are concerned that being around alcohol might cause you to want to drink again, then it might be best to politely decline the invite.

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Accountability is an Important Part Of Recovery

Accountability is one of the most important aspects of recovery. It gives recovering addicts a sense of security and a feeling that they are not alone. When someone is in recovery, they have to make sure that they take responsibility for their actions and keep themselves accountable.

If you are looking to start the recovery process in Anaheim, CA, Restorations Health Care can help. We are a drug and alcohol inpatient detox and residential treatment center. If you or a loved one are seeking treatment, call today at 877-578-0708.

Additional Substance Abuse Services

Depression Treatment Program

Many people who suffer depression start abusing drugs or alcohol. They do this to self-medicate whether knowingly or unknowingly.

Mental Health Treatment

Mental health treatment focuses on treating underlying issues to ensure that they don’t cause relapse after treatment.

Anxiety Treatment Program

You find yourself between a rock and a hard place when you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol. Click below to get help.

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