How Long Does Cocaine Withdrawal Last?: A Guide to Recovery



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Over 5 million people in the US used cocaine in 2023, down slightly from nearly 5.3 million in 2022 [1]. Despite this positive trend, likely due to an increase in other drugs such as fentanyl, cocaine abuse is still a major public health issue. As is the rise of cocaine being adulterated with drugs such as fentanyl. Read on to learn more about withdrawal from cocaine and how to cope with it.

Understanding Cocaine Withdrawal

To understand cocaine withdrawal, it helps to understand cocaine’s impact on the brain. Cocaine is a central nervous system stimulant. It powerfully activates reward and reinforcement mechanisms in the brain. 

Cocaine binds to the dopamine transporter neurotransmitters, blocking the removal of dopamine from synapses, the small gap between neurons. This surge of dopamine, together with the euphoric effects of cocaine, teaches the brain that this reward is desirable and to seek it again. This reinforcement causes the cycle of addiction [2].

Cocaine Withdrawal Signs

Cocaine withdrawal happens when you cut down or quit taking the drug. It can be hard withdrawing from cocaine as it mainly involves intense psychological symptoms although there are physical symptoms as well. These include:

  • Cravings for cocaine
  • Increased displeasure
  • Negative moods
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Increased appetite
  • Agitation
  • Restless behavior
  • Insomnia 
  • Vivid and unpleasant dreams
  • Slowing of activity

These unpleasant symptoms can be a strong motivation to relapse and continue using, creating a cycle of addiction.

How Long Does Cocaine Withdrawal Last?

Symptoms from withdrawal usually start within 24 hours from your last use. The acute phase lasts 3-5 days. You may continue to experience symptoms for 1-2 months. These may include:

  • Intense cravings
  • Lethargy
  • Anxiety
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Mood changes
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Suicidal tendencies in severe cases

What Factors Affect the Length of Withdrawal Symptoms?

The severity and duration of a person’s withdrawal symptoms vary widely. Symptoms are shaped by many factors including:

  • Age
  • General health
  • Amount of cocaine used
  • Type of cocaine
  • How long they have been using

These, combined with the severity of your withdrawal, can significantly affect the length of symptoms being present. 

As well, people with mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety may have more severe and longer withdrawal symptoms.

How to Cope with Cocaine Withdrawal

As the most intense cravings for cocaine follow immediately upon stopping to use, it’s important to have a supportive environment in place. Typically this is in either an outpatient or inpatient medical detox where you will have medical supervision and therapeutic support. 

Other important ways of coping include:

  • Get plenty of rest
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Begin a nourishing balanced diet as often your appetite will increase
  • Exercise can be very helpful as a way to deal with stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and fight cravings
  • Identifying and avoiding your triggers is key
  • Finding new activities to replace time previously spent using cocaine
  • Staying connected to your support network so you have people to talk with

Do I Need Medical Detox for Cocaine Withdrawal?

Cocaine addiction is difficult to treat, and relapse can easily occur. Treatment should start with the least restrictive option. Outpatient care is as effective as inpatient care for most people. The advantage of inpatient detox is that you have a more supportive environment with therapists to support you.

What to Expect from Cocaine Detox?

The length and intensity of your withdrawal from cocaine depends largely on how long you’ve been using and how much. Detoxing can provoke a number of symptoms including:

  • Sweating
  • Shaking
  • Shivering
  • Headaches
  • Sickness
  • Extreme cravings
  • Anxiety
  • Exhaustion
  • Suicidal thoughts

Detox can be dangerous for some, especially if trying to detox on your own.  Rehab is recommended as the best setting.

Professional Detox Program

Located in Anaheim, California, Restorations Health Care can help you or a loved one overcome their addiction or mental health issues. Our mission is all about saving lives. We offer detox and inpatient treatment programs that help people get back on their feet. Our dedicated team of trained addiction professionals and counselors provides individualized addiction treatment programs for recovery. Reach out to our Admissions team now.



[1 ] Vankar P. 2024. Number of people in the U.S. who used cocaine in the past year from 2009 to 2022. Statista.

[ 2] National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). 2024. Cocaine




    Lacey graduated from Brand University with a MA in Psychology, Marriage & Family Therapy. Lacey is a skilled clinician, supervisor, and administrator with extensive therapy experience. She is responsible for providing clinical leadership and policy direction for our program and maintains accepted standards of medical practice throughout the facility.

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